Al-Jazeera correspondent quoted a source close to the Taliban that the leaders of the movement and the US envoy to Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad and his team, will hold the fifth round of talks on 25 February in the Qatari capital Doha.

The US envoy to Afghanistan said yesterday that significant progress has been made in talks with the Taliban in Doha, and said in a tweet on Twitter that after six days in Doha went to Afghanistan for consultation.

He described the meetings as more productive than in the past, stressing that the parties have made significant progress on vital issues.

For its part, the Taliban said in a statement that negotiations with the US administration, which lasted six days in the Qatari capital Doha ended on Saturday.

The statement said that this round of negotiations discussed - according to the agenda - the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan and other fateful issues.

The statement added that the parties agreed to resume negotiations in similar future meetings in order to find an appropriate solution to end the conflict in Afghanistan, and denied the statement reports issued by some media on the agreement on a cease-fire and negotiations with the Afghan government.

In turn, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said there was encouraging news about negotiations with the Taliban, and it was making great progress.

He said in a tweet on Twitter that the United States is serious in its quest for peace and the withdrawal of US forces, and prevent Afghanistan from continuing to be a platform for international terrorism.

Pompeo noted that the United States is working with the Afghan government and all interested parties to promote Afghan sovereignty, independence and prosperity.