Too much happiness and unhappiness hurt children, but made them more emotionally fragile when they grew up.

This is confirmed by psychologist and author Ian Robertson, author of Stress Test: How Stress Can Make You a Stronger Person. It is an exciting study of how individuals interact with stress and how stress can be used rather than damaged.

In an interview published by the American site "Ladders," Ryan Hawk, who is interested in leadership and training programs, spoke with Robertson about how to establish a culture of success in a society dominated by tension.

The phenomenon of the "impact of success"
A successful person has the ability to set a goal for himself with a degree of challenge, and when this goal is achieved, one feels the taste of success.

The "effect of success" applies to all beings, meaning that when a person enters a contest or a challenge and wins, he or she will likely continue to be successful in the future. Success means success.

The question of how to help the sons of successful people to acquire the qualities of determination and hardness, at a time when they enjoy all their material needs without any trouble, and do not face any difficulties?

This raises the concern of many wealthy people, such as Warren Buffett and Bill Gates; success makes power, and financial success makes a person have influence and changes in the way he thinks and feels. In some cases, financial success may cultivate narcissism; they have the feeling that they have rare qualities that make them successful.

The best way to succeed is to draw clear and specific goals and pursue them (networking sites)

Hide the ladder of success
Successful parents are advised not to hide the ladder of success, and not to forget the missed opportunities, risks, pitfalls and stubbornness that they have taken in times of failure. The concealment of these facts may weaken the resolve of the children.

Bill Gates does not allow his children to receive huge amounts of money as an expense. Billionaire Warren Buffett has maintained a modest standard of living in order to raise his children in a healthy environment.

The mentality of evolution and the mentality of constancy
A study of students who were convinced that they had the ability to improve their own intelligence and achieved better study results than those who believed that IQ was constant and could not be improved.

This raises questions about the difference between the mentality of evolution and the mentality of stability. Research by American psychologist Carol Dweik shows that the theories that are told about our abilities, personality and emotions affect our potential. For example, telling a child that he is an intelligent person makes him acquire a fixed mindset about his own intelligence, and that this is the achievement of the achievement, making him less insistent in the future.

People with a fixed mind fear failure because it threatens their ego, so their thinking is that they are characterized by success and excellence.

Hiding parents and their success stories may weaken their children's resolve (networking sites)

Symptoms of stress and enthusiasm
When exposed to stress, the body shows symptoms of the same enthusiasm. But how do we know the difference between the two?

The answer lies in the context, since the circumstances surrounding us make us know if strong heart beats and dry mouth are signs of enthusiasm and joy, or signs of tension in the brain and human body when it is coming to a challenge or a difficult test, which can be turned into a positive motive for better performance .

To exaggerate the protection of children
Children should not be overstated; a child or adolescent who does not face enough adversity and hardship will experience emotional fragility when he or she grows up.

While some believe that these children are fortunate because their pride is protected and never fail and tense, they do not really have the psychological experiences necessary for their future lives.

Children and adolescents who have experienced periods of turmoil, tension and difficulties learn that failure, exclusion, abuse and stress are part of life. Because they have encountered these feelings, and know that it is just an ordeal will pass and will not last forever.

Tension activates the brain
The rule applies to adults who suffer from back pain. People who have not experienced difficulties in their lives often succumb to these pains and are given sedative drugs, while people who suffer the same pain, who have experienced difficult experiences in their lives, can cope with the crisis.

This rule applies to older people who have reached the eighth decade and who have experienced a number of adversities and adventures in their lives and who show a greater ability to maintain their mental health than those who have an easy life. The complex situations that cause tension push the brain to its maximum potential and train it more efficiently. .