Sudanese protests on Sunday called for President Omar al-Bashir to step down from power in the Wad Noubaoui district of Omdurman, west of the capital, and several areas in Khartoum, in response to a "gathering of Sudanese professionals" and his opposition allies.

According to Sky News Arabia, dozens of al-Ansar mosque in Wadi Noubawi district of Omdurman west of the capital, after Friday prayers, chanted slogans calling for "President Bashir to step down" and topple the ruling regime in the country.

In Kalakla and Taif in Khartoum, demonstrations were held after Friday prayers, in response to a call by the "Sudanese Professionals Gathering" and its allies to "Freedom and Change Processes" according to a weekly schedule, punctuated by demonstrations in neighborhoods after Friday prayers.

Sudan has been witnessing since December 19, 2018 demonstrations began to reject the government to raise the price of bread, and quickly demanded the removal of President Omar al-Bashir from power.

On February 25, the Sudanese President declared a state of emergency for one year, and was approved by the National Assembly «Parliament», with a reduction of six months.

Following the demonstrations, Bashir sacked the central government, appointed security officials to replace state governors, expanded police powers and prevented public gatherings without permission.