Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said that a high committee formed of several cells crisis in a number of Iraqi ministries, the task of reconstruction of the provinces that are witnessing protests to provide the best services to them.

Abadi said in an interview with elders and dignitaries of Diwaniyah province in central Iraq that this work (the cells of the crisis) will not be temporary but will continue, and the purpose of revitalizing the economy in those provinces.

The Iraqi prime minister pointed out that he formed a crisis cell in each ministry, and another in every Iraqi province, adding that he will address any reservation by local governments regarding the work of the crisis cells. He also stated that these cells are also to be joined by representatives of the provinces from clans and specialists.

The Iraqi prime minister stressed that the cells of the crisis "is not a truce or temporary work, but a real and diligent work to provide services."

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not enough
"It is unlikely that the measures taken by Abadi will freeze the powers of Minister of Electricity Kassem Fahdawi or create enough crisis cells to meet the minimum number of demonstrators who want to improve the very poor services in all Iraqi provinces, not just the southern provinces," said Walid Ibrahim, director of the Al Jazeera bureau in Baghdad.

The director of the office of the island that what the Iraqis are asking Abadi is the existence of concrete actions carried out on the ground to address the reality of services deteriorating.

He pointed out that the demonstrations may not stop in the coming period, especially as they found support from the Supreme Shiite cleric Ali al-Sistani, who called on the political class to find real alternatives to meet the demands of the demonstrators.

Samawah and Nasiriyah
In a related context, hundreds demonstrated in the cities of Samawa and Nasiriyah in southern Iraq to protest the deterioration in the level of services and the spread of unemployment, and raised banners condemning the spread of corruption in many service institutions and the role of parties in them.

The demonstrators attributed the situation to the failure of the management of local government institutions, and its failure to fight favoritism, and tried to security forces to disperse the demonstrators on the pretext of the absence of permission to demonstrate.

In the past three weeks, Baghdad and a number of southern provinces have witnessed angry popular demonstrations due to the deterioration in the level of services, especially the continued programmed cutting of electricity, which has worsened in recent days.