It represents 94,000 companies in Normandy and 106,000 employees. Hairdresser near Le Havre, Christophe Doré, president of the U2P, the union of local businesses, is the voice of artisans, traders and liberal professions in the region. He will be present at the Olympiades des métiers. Interview.

Your professional organization is less known than the Medef. And yet, it weighs heavily ...

The Union of Local Businesses, U2P, represents and defends the companies of the craft, the local trade and the liberal professions. It is the national inter-professional organization that brings together the largest number of member companies. In Normandy, there are 94,000 companies and 106,000 employees. Companies that have riches but also weaknesses.

Employment is one of your major topics?

Our companies are job creators. Most have difficulty recruiting, to the point of having to refuse contracts. A real paradox when we know the unemployment situation in Normandy.

We are lagging behind the effects of the 2008 crisis. We trained fewer young people in the years that followed. Today, it's double jeopardy: fewer trained professionals and a large number of retirements. In the building, in the restaurant, in the hairstyle, it is very tense.

Is the transfer of businesses another source of concern?

We have very nice companies, which can not find buyers. Micro-businesses weaken our sectors. In hairdressing, there are 62,000 companies in France but 20,000 non-salon companies. Who carries the 118,000 employees? Who develops learning? Not micro-businesses! Of course, it is easier to advance in light gear and sneakers than with 20 kg ropes on the feet, but it is a short-term policy.

What do you think of the reform of training?

I believe in a true strong partnership between the National Education, the Regions and the professional branches. It is important not to forget the professionals. We can bring strong messages to families and children. On learning, we will count the points after the reform. There may be fewer centers but more digital territorialized platforms. It can be a chance too.