The Châtillon-en-Vendelais pond, with an area of ​​110 ha, is a sensitive natural area of ​​the department, halfway between Vitré and Fougères. He will be drained.

The project

The Châtillon-en-Vendelais pond, with an area of ​​110 ha, is a sensitive natural area of ​​the department, halfway between Vitré and Fougères. The Department announces that it will proceed to the emptying of this pond. "It should take place at the beginning of December if the hydrological conditions are sufficient to allow the recovery of fish in good sanitary conditions" , it is explained.

Works then emptying

Prior to this, the Department continues, "work is needed to consolidate the dam discharge line and the bottom valve" . As a result, since November 1, "the level of the pond is lowered" . In addition, "works will be undertaken on the books from Monday for a period of about fifteen days , " is it also detailed.

The emptying is planned "early December" . Then, in early 2019, "a re-stocking with fish from the water body will be operated, in agreement with the Departmental Federation for fishing and the protection of aquatic environments," the Department continues.

This means that since November 1 and "until April 26, 2019, the practice of fishing is prohibited on this water, by prefectural order. It will be able to resume on April 26, which is the opening day of fishing for pike.