By RFIPalled on 03-05-2019Modified on 03-05-2019 at 17:38

Former President Omar al-Bashir is to be questioned about money laundering and terrorist financing cases. At least that's what the official Sudanese news agency claims. The interrogation was ordered by the Attorney General of Sudan. The Transitional Military Council assured last month that the equivalent of $ 113 million had been found, in cash, at the residence of Omar al-Bashir.

At first sight, an interrogation of Omar al-Bashir would be a victory for the protest movement that overthrew him. In the streets of Khartoum, slogans often denounce " those who stole our sweat ".

See also: Sudan: significant seizure of money at al-Bashir's home (Military Council)

But the issue of corruption in Sudan, one of the most corrupt countries in the world according to Transparency International, raises more broadly the issue of relations between Sudan and the United States. Because Washington pushes Khartoum to fight against the money laundering and the financing of the terrorism since several years.

The lack of progress in this area is even one of the reasons why the State Department keeps Sudan on its list of countries that support terrorism.

For The Sentry, an American NGO, " systematic corruption and a deep-rooted kleptocracy " have prevented Sudan from fighting money laundering until now. The former president was there for something. When the Sudanese parliament voted in favor of creating an anti-corruption commission in 2015, Omar al-Bashir refused to give the go-ahead ...

The interrogation of the former head of state could therefore unblock the situation in Khartoum and promote a rapprochement with the United States.

A Sudanese delegation is already expected in Washington to discuss the withdrawal of Sudan from the list of countries supporting terrorism. For the United States, it is now a " legitimate demand ".

Listen also: [Your reactions] What judicial future for Omar el-Bashir? (Calls on the news)

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