The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) denounced the US administration's $ 5 million reward for providing information on Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of the movement's political bureau.

In a statement on Wednesday, Hamas considered the American move "a service to the Israeli objectives and its racist policies against the Palestinian people and its just cause, and to the enemy and its criminal policies."

Hamas stressed in its statement "the continuation of the Eritrean in the performance of his leadership role and his national duty to serve our people and victory for his cause in the face of occupation, in accordance with international laws."

It also denounced the "American targeting of all the resistance forces in the region", including the inclusion in the same resolution of Khalil Yousef Harb and Hisham Ali Tabtabai leaders of the Lebanese Hezbollah, which reflects the degree of political and legal failure and bankruptcy.

Hamas called on the Arab League, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and all countries of the world and free peoples to reject the American decision "unjust and unjust aggression against the Palestinian people and its cause decisively and decisively, and to address it and prevent its implementation on its territory
And at all levels. "

The Islamic Jihad also condemned the American decision, saying that "real terrorism is what the American administration is doing to the people of the world."

"The new US decision confirms the bias of the American administration towards the Israeli occupation and the control of the Jewish lobby over all parts of the United States," the movement said in its spokesman Dawood Shehab.

Yesterday, the US State Department announced a $ 5 million reward for information on Al-Aruri and leaders of the Lebanese Hezbollah guerrilla group.

"Aouri lives freely in Lebanon, works with the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, collects funds to carry out operations for Hamas and leads operations that have killed Israelis with US citizenship," Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Michael Ivanov said yesterday.

Al-Aarouri served as deputy head of Hamas's political bureau after last year's elections. He spent 15 years in prison between 1992 and 2007 for the establishment of a military apparatus for Hamas in the West Bank.