The governor of Kirkuk, Rakan Jubouri, denounced the Kurdish parties flying the flag of the Kurdistan region of Iraq over their headquarters, and demanded to retreat from this step, after the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan rejected the orders of Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi to take down the flag.

"The lifting of the flag of the Kurdistan region of Iraq over a number of Kurdish party headquarters in Kirkuk is considered a" unilateral mistake and must be corrected, "Jubouri said, adding that Kurdish officials should back away from this step.

He warned the governor of Kirkuk of the continuing crisis of raising the flag of the province in the province, saying that the lack of commitment of the Kurdish parties to what was issued by the Prime Minister of Iraq is an escalation of the crisis.

Abdul-Mahdi ordered on Wednesday to drop the flag of the region from the headquarters of the party in the city of Kirkuk, but the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan - one of the two ruling parties in the Kurdistan region - said in a statement that he will keep the flag raised above his headquarters, considering that this decision is "to protect the social peace And the balance between the components of Kirkuk and the stability of the situation. "

The federal government dropped the flag of the province from government and party headquarters in the city of Kirkuk and the rest of the disputed areas, after the restoration of control of these areas of the Peshmerga forces in October 2017.