Israeli Prime Minister Rami al-Hamdallah called for immediate and concrete international action to save the peace process and achieve a two-state solution.

The Israeli occupation forces fired tear gas and sound bombs during confrontations with Palestinians in various neighborhoods of Jerusalem. The confrontations were concentrated in several neighborhoods in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque, in the neighborhood of Be'er Ayoub. Occupied Jerusalem, after they broke into large numbers of Israeli soldiers.

The confrontations in Jerusalem came after 33 Palestinians were wounded by live ammunition yesterday, after the Israeli occupation forces repressed peaceful marches in the eastern Gaza Strip.

Yesterday, the Israeli occupation authorities decided to extend water lines from the settlement of "Shvut Rachel" to "Magdolim" for a length of 7 km, over the villages of Qusra and Jalud south of Nablus.

"The water line will destroy large areas of the lands of the two villages, in addition to what the bulldozers will do during the course of their work," said Ghassan Daghlas, head of the settlement file in the northern West Bank.

On Thursday morning, a Jerusalem family demolished its residential building in the Wadi Qaddum neighborhood of Silwan, south of Al Aqsa Mosque, under the pressure of the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem. The family was informed of the demolition of the building on the pretext of building without a permit. If the building is destroyed by its mechanisms.

The National Bureau for the Defense of Land and Settlement Resistance of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) said yesterday that the so-called ultra-right-wing Jewish Home Party is seeking to pass laws in the Knesset that impose Israeli law on the West Bank, The office has some other facts, including the Minister of Housing in the occupation government, Yoav Galant, in an interview with the newspaper «Bchaifah» calculated on the right settlement, the increasing numbers of settlers, and doubled the units that have been marketed during the last three years, Perimeter and development in the settlements, as well as continuing restrictions on the operations of the residents of Jerusalem in order to displace them and to continue the occupation authorities demolished the houses of Palestinian citizens under various pretexts operations.

On the other hand, the city of Bethlehem has been decorated for Christmas, and its streets, houses and churches have been adorned with illuminating decorations, and the city, its municipality and its institutions are preparing to attract pilgrims from all over the world. The head of the Palestinian Hotel Association in Bethlehem, Elias Arja, said that the hotels are ready to receive tourists and pilgrims. From all countries of the world, decorated with Christmas decorations. The head of the Bethlehem Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Samir Hizboun, noted that the city is surrounded by the separation wall, so the movement is restricted. Entry and exit is not easy for tourists and visitors to this city. On several aspects, including the economic aspect.

Politically, Palestinian Prime Minister Rami Al-Hamdallah held a joint press conference with his French counterpart Edouard Philippe in Paris on Sunday, during which he praised the contributions of the French Republic to capacity building and human resources development in the State of Palestine and its support for a two-state solution and a just peace. Middle east. He pointed out that 10 agreements have been signed at the French Foreign Ministry to strengthen cooperation in several vital areas: civil defense, security, combating crime, agriculture and food, higher education, vocational and technical education, local government and the political protocol on consultations between the French Republic Called for immediate and concrete international action to salvage the peace process, achieve a two-state solution and end the Israeli military occupation of the Palestinian territories.

He called on the French government, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, to work for the immediate and effective implementation of Security Council resolution 2334, which affirms that Israeli settlements are illegal and to work to prohibit the products of Israeli settlements on the occupied Palestinian territories in French markets And the Israeli government to lift the siege imposed on the Gaza Strip for 12 years.