As the Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Chief Rocket and Artillery Directorate of the Department Colonel Roman Spirin wrote in his thematic collection “Rocket-technical and artillery-technical support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - 2018”, the development of the SV missile systems is aimed at further increasing combat capabilities Iskander-M ".

As part of the modernization work, it is envisaged to improve the tactical and technical characteristics of the complex, to ensure operation in all weather conditions, and the possibility of a guaranteed overcoming of the future enemy missile defense systems.

The author of the article notes that the ongoing and planned research and development work is aimed both at modernizing the complex as a whole and at creating new types of missiles for it.

Earlier, the TV channel Zvezda reported that the calculations of Iskander in North Ossetia destroyed the objects of the conditional enemy.

On January 23, at a briefing, the Russian Defense Ministry for the first time showed the upgraded 9M729 missile to foreign military attaches.

It was noted that 9M729 is a modernized version of the 9M728 rocket for the Iskander-M complex.