There is still time to register for the fifth edition of the contest "We will make a whole story" proposed by Ouest-France, centers Leclerc and publisher Rue des écoles. It is aimed at Breton schoolchildren (from CP to CM2). Christophe Boncens, author and illustrator of children's books, based in Pont-Aven (Finistère), wrote two history debuts. He is the godfather of this contest. Registered classes must take over and continue the story.

Elouan and the korrigans, The enchanted princess , For some more hazelnuts , these are some of the many albums for children signed by Christophe Boncens, the godfather of this new edition of the contest. He explains all the interest, and affirms his confidence in reading.


What is the interest for children to be able to write a story for themselves? They can realize what writing a story is. When they receive a book, for some it is an object like any other. This contest allows them to see that behind, there is a real work of writing that can last several months. With people who have worked for this book, the author, the illustrator. And then, all this book chain with the photoengraver, the printer, the broadcaster. The book, it does not happen like that by magic at home or at the library. It will also be a collective work. They will talk to each other, express their ideas and agree or disagree. It is a project that they carry together and I find it very interesting.

Will the young people taking part in this contest still want to read? I hope so ! I think that by confronting the text and the writing, it will be for some a little less forbidding than French in class. This is a project of their own. Afterwards, they will be able to say to themselves that it is interesting to go to see also what is done elsewhere. I hope this will make them want to read, to discover other texts and other books. Writing a story is hard work, you have to go deep within yourself, but it's also more fun.

Can it make a click on writing and French? Students who have a little trouble can realize that by using the language, you can write a story. Maybe after, they will want to deepen a little more. I am also an illustrator and I speak a lot about it in schools. Some who are a bit stuck with drawing are doing fabulous things as this is another way of approaching the subject. It's the little click. To tell a story, they will have to find characters, describe their characters, choose places, possibly objects, and plot. This will help them to better understand the construction of a story, a text and to be much more interested in it.

But do not screens hinder the practice of reading among young people? I do not agree too much with that. The little ones, from 3 years and up to 10/11, with whom I work a lot, are very demanding of books and stories. Despite all the other solicitations, the book remains important for them. Afterwards, it's a bit more difficult at the time of adolescence. But for those who were readers before that age, that comes back.

So difficult to read more adolescents? Adolescence is a difficult time at all levels, and reading is one of them. To read, you have to find a moment, to ask yourself, and it's a generation that wants to go very fast. But since the arrival of Harry Potter, things have changed a lot. When I attend book fairs, and I do a lot in Brittany, I am quite surprised to see the attendance of both adults and children. This proves that parents and children are interested in books. There is a time for tablets, a time for books, there is a time for everything ... I am not at all pessimistic for the book.

How to register ?

It's simple. Simply register on the https: //concours-é

Each participating class must write a text of 3,000 characters from the beginning proposed by Christophe Boncens. The best stories will be published and illustrated in a real book. The winning classes will receive books, many books.