“We are now witnessing an unusual phase in the development of relations between the state and the church in Ukraine, on the one hand. On the other hand, some incredible "creativity" in terms of canon law, in general inter-Orthodox relations on the part of the Constantinople Patriarchate, which, I think, simply lost the sense of reality, which absolutely ceased to correlate its actions with the historical tradition and the canons of the Orthodox Church ", - he said.

Petrushko also added that the very procedure of providing Ukraine with a tomos for the autocephaly is “just phantasmagoric”.

“This is a kind of new word that the head of state with the Patriarch of Constantinople decides for the Ukrainian church, for the believers, for the hierarchy, to whom of what jurisdiction to belong, whether to be autocephalous or not. This is completely anomalous. But Poroshenko’s interest is understandable. On the eve of the elections, he is trying to increase his rating on this, ”the expert concluded.

Earlier, Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko and the Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew in Istanbul signed an agreement on cooperation and collaboration between Ukraine and the Patriarchate of Constantinople.