Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi does not leave an opportunity except to talk about what he describes as the dangers of communication sites and its threat to national security. This repetition was seen by some as evidence that these sites have become a headache for Sisi.

The last of these events was yesterday during the educational seminar held by the armed forces to mark the Martyr's Day, which marks the anniversary of the death of General Abdel Moneim Riad, Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Army, who was martyred on 10 March 1969 following an Israeli bombing during his inspection of the front front in Sinai.

Al-Sisi's speech comes amid the escalation of opposition campaigns against him on the media sites, especially the campaign "You are not alone," calling for the use of sirens and roads on the pots during a specific hour of the night, in order to spread the revolutionary spirit among the Egyptians again, Sissi also coincided with the rise of the new label "Go Away Sisi", which witnessed a wide interaction between the Egyptians on several previous occasions.

Disturbing communication sites
Al-Sisi -Kadatha- took advantage of the occasion of the Martyr's Day to warn of what he described as the dangers surrounding the Egyptian national security and to try to push the society into a situation similar to the situation before the revolution of January 25, 2011, with the aim of "overthrowing the state." He called on Egyptian youth not to follow What is published on the sites of information, or considered Facebook, Twitter and websites as a reference for information.

"The rumors that Facebook is more dangerous than the bullet bullets, the purpose of breaking the joints of the state by questioning the loyalty of the leadership and reduce the volume of achievements," noting that the means of fighting in the destruction of countries has developed significantly during the recent period, which is "wars of the fourth generation and fifth, As happened during the events of 2011, according to his description.

"Sisi leave"
Despite the warning of the Egyptian Sisi from the sites of communication, these sites were widely ridiculed yesterday, especially about his promise to resolve economic crises in 2060, 41 years from now, and talk about that he will ask the Egyptians and hold them accountable to God on the Day of Resurrection, For his sincerity, honesty and honor, and his denial of the killing of police and army demonstrators during the events of the January revolution.

"The pioneers of the sites of communication through the marking of" go away Sisi ", which witnessed a wide reaction to the issue of Twitter, the same scenario repeated with every talk of the Sisi on the sites of communication, or talk about his willingness to leave if asked by the Egyptians.

Mr. President
Today is your grocery
We love to say thank you.
Thank you for being an engineer and a doctor who works as an oper and cream
Thank you for destroying the dreams of all young people
Thank you for being in love
Thank you to the thousands of detainees
Thank you 7 thousand martyrs and increased
Thank you p 200 A stalker
Thank you, Sinai, who was destroyed

- Sara (@ S00Ra0) 11 March 2019

Al-Sisi: I'm honest, honest, honest, honest, and honorable. Oh, I'm from the honor, I do not know. # Go away_issey

- Nosayba (@ Nosayba29141618) 11 March 2019

# Go away, yassy, ​​yell, yell, yell, yell.

- Jamal Rizq (@ JamalRizq10) March 11, 2019

The most annoying thing about Sisi is Hashtaq.
This is confirmed by Sisi himself ..
Therefore they intensified the publication in this Hishtaq ..
To introduce concern and distrust on the heart of this killer ..

- Towards freedom (@hureyaksa) March 2, 2019

"You are not alone"
The news headlines were not limited to the activists' criticisms and issued the slogan "Go Away Sisi." It came to organize revolutionary events by marking "You Are Not Alone", which was launched by the opposition media editor Mu'taz Matar, the channel's broadcaster, and received wide interaction among politicians, media and activists.

The campaign, which entered its third week, organizers say it succeeded in moving the Egyptian street again, and the transfer of opposition from the sites of communication to the heart of the street, and it carries new surprises in the future.

It is noteworthy that this sign saw a great interaction after the statements of Sisi in conjunction with the label "go away, Sisi", confirms the sites of communication that chronic headache Sisi, which has not been treated so far, having succeeded in tightening control of the local media, whether government or private.

Najib Bilaline and write on it

- Hamsa 7ob (@ 7obHamsa) 10 March 2019

For all the oppressed people
The oppressed

- Very Egyptian (@ P5eheeNpOIgpM0N) March 11, 2019

What we are in a disaster is magnified and the solution is simple if we are saved to God and to the country
Agreed to end the coup and then a transitional period of 6 months running the country through a presidential council of honorable people from each direction and amend the articles of the Constitution necessary to conduct life and hold fair elections involving President Mohamed Morsi and others
# اطمن_إنت_مش_لوحدك

Freedom Martyr (@F_Martyr) March 11, 2019

# اطمن_انت_مش_لوحدك # رحل_ياسيسي

- Fenix ​​B.benhmidan (@ Fenix51164847) 11 March 2019