At the beer benches, covered in the colors of Germany and those of the state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, they can not bother themselves. These Kramp-Karrenbauer, Donnerlittchen! That she comes from the Saarland, is Catholic and has ended the term of her Angela Merkel as CDU boss - that is almost forgotten after this speech in the tennis hall of Demmin. Sure, Merkel was politically one of them, but her Ash Wednesday appearances were increasingly like political seminar lectures. Despite brass band.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, on the other hand, said only a few words this evening, the hall is already celebrating. She brings life back to the shack. No one notices that there is a blow from the band now and then.

Short review: The political Ash Wednesday in East Democratic Demmin was Merkel's event. Twenty-one times she appeared as the main speaker, first as secretary-general, then for almost two decades as CDU chairwoman. Only because of the members of the Bundestag of the nearby constituency of Vorpommern-Rügen-Greifswald did the republic look once a year at the small town, traveled to the federal rapporteurs dutifully. Merkel imported fish sandwiches, sausages and beer ash Wednesday in the high northeast.

Tradition in the tennis hall

But now it's literally the show of Kramp-Karrenbauer, AKK. First, she tells how Merkel put her heart to it - Kramp-Karrenbauer was just elected as the new chairman last December in Hamburg - that she should continue the Demminer tradition. The promise was apparently made immediately. That gives the first applause in the tennis hall. "And I would like to thank you in particular for not having made the beer shower a tradition," says the chair, alluding to Merkel's misfortune, which several years ago accidentally erased the contents of several glasses. Big laughter in the hall.

Now it really starts. Kramp-Karrenbauer, dark trouser suit, orange blouse, has obviously planned to show their critics this evening what a rake is. Of course, in the knowledge - AKK knows her party well enough in these climes - how much approval she experiences here.

For the first time she expresses her criticism of her speech before the Stockach jester court - and in turn goes on the attack. Kramp-Karrenbauer had said last Thursday about the introduction of toilets for the third sex: "This is for the men who do not know yet, whether they may still stand while peeing or have to sit." In between, is the toilet. "

"The most tense people in the world"

Over many things she could only shake her head in this discussion, says the CDU boss now. She had been accused of emasculating her party before the fool's joke - her reply was not about a third gender, "but about the question of emancipates, about machos, about the relationship between husband and wife. She calls out to her party friends: "Sometimes you just have to look carefully, before you get artificially excited about anything."

The problem is: even if you do that in this case, you can find their saying disturbing - even without political calculation.

This, in turn, has many of their critics from other parties who promptly used their Ash Wednesday events for renewed AKK scolding. And that annoys Kramp-Karrenbauer. However, is Germany really "the most tense people ever to walk around the world," as she concludes from the debate? "That can not continue," says the CDU boss.

A question of measurement

But now she makes the very big prohibition number: The Hamburg Kita, which has just declared Indian costumes undesirable, the debate about fine dust in New Year's Eve Boller, meat eaters. Vegetarian / Vegan - "this is all a madness, what we experience here". For the CDU still applies: "Everyone should be happy after his Facon." The measure, says Kramp-Karrenbauer, "is no longer true".

In the Demminer tennis hall, the mood is now at its peak. The CDU boss apparently expresses what many think here. But outside in the country? The sound of Kramp-Karrenbauer, the question of measurement, could be a problem here. The Merkel successor at the CDU top shows more and more how different she is. The former chairman and still-chancellor has set the political middle to arbitrariness. Kramp-Karrenbauer is ready to fight, she defends herself - and apparently wants to align the CDU accordingly again.

How differentiated she talks about other things could easily be masked. Like this evening in Demmin. European policy, climate protection, digitization, land rent, copyright: Of course, they formulated the one or pointed, attacked even SPD Finance Minister Olaf Scholz or Justice Minister Katarina Barley - but something was even in Merkel on Ash Wednesday to do so. Since it is in the hall, however, has become much more restless. Hanging here is their clear message: I have nothing to take back - and get yourself all time again.

After 45 minutes it is over, the brass band plays again as the Steigerlied to their move, Kramp-Karrenbauer sings loudly. She makes a very satisfied impression.

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Thus, in both methods there is a group of people that can not be reached because they either have no connection to the respective network or do not want to participate in the survey. Therefore, a significant number of people must always be approached for a meaningful result. Civey surveys are currently in addition to SPIEGEL ONLINE in more than 20,000 other websites involved, including various media. This ensures that as many populations as possible can be reached.

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What does it mean when the colored areas in the graphics overlap?

In our graphs, the statistical error is shown as a colored interval. This interval shows the uncertainty associated with a survey score. For example, on the Sunday question, one can not say exactly how many percent a party would get in a poll, but specify an interval in which the outcome is likely to be. If the intervals of two survey values ​​overlap, then strictly speaking no statements about the difference can be made. For the Sunday question this means: If the poll numbers of two parties are so close together that overlap their error intervals, it can not be derived from which would currently perform better in the election.

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Who is behind Civey?

At this point, readers in the app and on the mobile / stationary website have the opportunity to participate in a representative Civey survey. Civey is an online opinion research institute based in Berlin. The start-up cooperates with different partners, including SPIEGEL ONLINE as well as the "Tagesspiegel", "Cicero", the "Freitag" and Civey is funded by the ProFit funding program of Investitionsbank Berlin and the European Regional Development Fund .