This is the press service of the party.

On March 12, the United Russia Ethics Commission examined the incident ... Nabiyev heard explanations by video link, but his excuses did not convince the commission members. Following the meeting, a unanimous decision was made - to recommend the deletion of Nabiyev, ”the statement says.

According to the head of the commission Valentina Tereshkova, Nabiyev violated the ethical norms stipulated in the party’s charter.

Earlier, Nabiyev said that “parasites and alcoholics” receive pensions of 8 thousand rubles. In his opinion, for those who “worked normally,” the pension is 20-25 thousand rubles. He later apologized for his words.

On March 9, the media reported that the head of the administration of the head of Chuvashia, Yuri Vasilyev, suggested that hardworking state employees receive a good salary, while the rest simply “work little”.