By RFIPalled on 09-10-2018Modified on 09-10-2018 at 20:57

This is a new episode in the battle that has been going on for months Henri Konan Bedie's party to the ruling coalition. The PDCI Disciplinary Board temporarily excluded 17 executives including three ministers in office for "political transhumance".

The decision is from Saturday, October 6, but it was only learned on Tuesday. The Minister of Equipment Amede Kouakou, Sports Minister Paulin Danho and Secretary of State for SMEs Félix Anoblé are excluded from the PDCI, as well as 14 other cadres of the party. Involved, their proximity or their adherence to the RHDP, the unified party. Thus these three members of the government compete in the municipal of October 13 under the banner RHDP, Divo, Attécoubé respectively in the west of Abidjan and San Pedro.

They were also part of the fifteen PDCI ministers present on July 16 at the constitutive assembly of the RHDP. " We can not validly belong to the PDCI RDA, campaign against its candidates invested and at the same time be a member of RHDP unified party ," said the Council of Discipline and the Order of Aries denouncing " cases of transhumance policy proved " contrary to the statutes.

This measure of exclusion is temporary, just like that which hit Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani and Jérôme N'Guessan last Thursday. According to the Disciplinary Council, this sanction applies until the next congress of the PDCI which will rule on their eventual final exclusion. Extraordinary Congress convened for next Monday in Daoukro.

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