Brexit contract vote, the third: On Thursday, British Prime Minister Theresa May wanted to make another attempt to resubmit her EU-negotiated agreement to the House of Commons.

Time is running out, on Thursday starts the summit in Brussels on which the EU countries should decide whether the Brexit will be deferred.

But May's plan was thwarted, by Parliament Speaker John Bercow. He had stopped the third vote with reference to a decision from the 17th century, according to which an already rejected, unchanged legislative proposal can not be submitted to Parliament again and again.

The government is now looking closely at Bercov's rationale and evidence to find a way out, said Brexit minister Steve Barclay. In an interview with British broadcaster BBC, Barclay warned MEPs not to withdraw May's support for their Brexit treaty. "You either have a deal, or you do not have one, or you do not have Brexit," Barclay said. There is growing danger that the United Kingdom will no longer leave the EU.


Brexit Minister Steve Barclay (Stock Photo of 2017)

Excluded, however, is to turn Queen Elizabeth into the proceedings. An early change to a new parliamentary session ordered by the monarch had been discussed as an opportunity to vote on the May negotiated Brexit treaty.

The representative of the ruling Conservative Party and attorney Robert Buckland spoke in London of a "constitutional crisis" in which his country is now. His colleague James Gray said he was "totally angry" with President John Bercow.

Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe, admonished the British: Dear friends in London, please deliver at last. The clock is ticking. "Delays should have a" clear and precise "justification.

In the video: Unterhaussprecher Bercow prevents renewed voting



According to previous planning, Britain is expected to leave the EU on 29 March. A "technical" delay should take only three months. Postponing the withdrawal date requires all 27 remaining EU countries.

A diplomat said that heads of state and government could postpone a final decision to give May a few more days to bring their treaty through parliament. They could agree on the terms and then agree in the written procedure in the coming week should the application be made.