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The Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow, addresses Parliament in London on March 18, 2019. Reuters TV via REUTERS

The surprise announcement by John Bercow, the Speaker of the House of Commons, dominates the Unes of the British dailies this Tuesday, March 19, after his decision to exclude a third vote on the withdrawal agreement of the European Union.

With our correspondent in London, Muriel Delcroix

Much of the press accuses John Bercow of provoking a constitutional crisis. The Daily Express renamed it " The Slayer of Brexit " and choked with rage at a " sardonic " House of Commons president who could force London to implore Brussels to grant him a postponement that could " last for months ".

The Daily Mail is not too tender with John Bercow, calling it a " despotic mill of speech " when the Times calls it " Vandal overexcited " accused by the government of " sabotaging the Brexit " and the divorce agreement of Theresa May. For their part, the Telegraph and the Guardian agree for once and speak of " constitutional chaos " that will force Theresa May to ask the Europeans a long extension.

Theresa May looking for an alternative

In the meantime, the Prime Minister has locked herself up with her advisers to find a solution to this decision. One of the options considered, according to a minister, would be to let MPs decide whether to ignore the 400-year-old convention invoked by John Bercow, and if they vote in that direction to submit the withdrawal agreement to them as planned. third time next week.

In any case, the Prime Minister did not manage to gather a majority in favor of her divorce agreement. It could therefore go to the European summit in Brussels Thursday and Friday to request an extension to Brexit whose duration depends on the approval of its agreement to Parliament.