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British Prime Minister Theresa May, December 9, 2018 in London. Daniel LEAL-OLIVAS / AFP

The House of Commons voted Tuesday, January 8, London a measure
forcing the British government to obtain an explicit green light from Parliament for the case of a Brexit without agreement.

With our correspondent in London, Muriel Delcroix

In a show of force, British MPs inflicted this Tuesday night a humiliating defeat to Theresa May. By 303 votes against 296, they adopted an amendment that limits the financial powers of the government in case of exit from the EU without agreement. MPs intend not to be intimidated by the team of the Prime Minister who brandishes more and more the threat of a "no deal" devastating the economy of the country if they do not accept his text.

The vote took place as members of Parliament resumed Wednesday their debates on the exit agreement of the European Union for a vote on 15 January. The vote on this controversial text was postponed by Theresa May in December in the face of an announced defeat. But if the head of the government hoped that with time and the worrying prospect of a Brexit without agreement, the opposition to its withdrawal text would dull, it is not. Members are still determined to vote against.

Elected officials are also publicly worried about the pressure, or even the outright hostility they experience from protesters in the vicinity of Parliament. In a letter sent to the boss of the London police, about 50 deputies say they fear for their safety against the actions of individuals linked to the far right who violently attacked them and journalists without the police intervene.

Scotland Yard has since strengthened its device around Westminster and given new instructions to its police officers in a climate again deleterious in the approach of the vote now scheduled for January 15.