Bernard Poignant, former MEP and former PS mayor of Quimper (Finistère), adheres to the initiative of Jean-Yves Le Drian who launched his movement of the Breton Progressives.

The former PS mayor (Socialist Party) of Quimper and former MP adheres to the initiative of Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs who launched his movement of the Breton Progressives. "Jean-Yves Le Drian invites him to join him on December 16th in Lorient. I will go there. By friendship certainly, but also by adherence to this idea of ​​Breton Progressives, " says Bernard Poignant.

"A central group"

"For nearly half a century, the political landscape was organized around two parties that dominated and dragged their camp: the Socialist Party for the Left, the RPR and its various names for the Right. All of this shattered in the spring of 2017. Some think that a failure of the Macron presidency will allow us to return to these old times. I do not believe it. So you have to think and act differently. "

"Jean-Yves Le Drian defines a possible political perimeter. He proposes to build a central and non-centrist group in Brittany. Tomorrow, there will not be a dominant party, even domineering. The Socialist Party, of which I have been a member since 1974, must understand it and enter into a coalition logic. In March will not be more dominant and this movement will know how to compose in turn. The current majority of the Regional Council is the prefiguration and I hope that it can continue its work by maintaining the confidence of Bretons and Bretons. It means working for the future of our region. The announced laboratory proposes to contribute to it. Banco! Moreover, he announces with clarity his European commitment. "

"The Blue Hussars of Europe"

"The minister is well positioned to measure the threats to the European Union. A country leaves it. Others are moving away with their policies. Two presidents, American and Russian, await its burst and push it. Extreme forces want to paralyze his Parliament next year and make the 2019 meeting a step towards disintegrating the Union. One can be reserved about the European policies conducted, but the criticism must not aim to break this Union, built for almost three quarters of a century. In any case, there will always be compromises between the 27 states and it is easy to find dissatisfaction. "

"I want the" Breton Progressives "to be the blue Hussars of Europe", concludes Bernard Poignant.