Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika said on Monday that Algeria is about to change its system of government at the national conference and renew its political, economic and social approach.

Bouteflika, in a message marking the anniversary of Algeria's victory on March 19 each year, published excerpts from some Algerian newspapers, said that the national symposium would be held soon with the participation of all parties.

Bouteflika explained that the symposium is the one that takes the decisive decisions to make the qualitative leap, which is reflected through a comprehensive constitutional amendment and deep, and stressed that the people is to decide on the constitutional amendment through the referendum.

According to the Algerian president, this seminar will "freely discuss the economic and social future of the country, a future fraught with challenges in this area. A future that truly needs a national consensus on the objectives and solutions to achieve strong and competitive economic development, Justice and solidarity ".

Dependency of fuel
According to Bouteflika, this course "will inevitably contribute to liberating Algeria from dependency on hydrocarbons and from the volatility of the global market for this wealth."

"This is the future that, with God's help, is the best gratitude our country gives to its glorious martyrs and to its courageous jihadists."

"This is also the purpose for which I promised you to dedicate to me the final conclusion of my presidential campaign, at your side and at your service, so that Algeria will soon witness a smooth transition in its organization and the handover of its leadership to a new generation in order to continue our national march towards further progress and progress under Sovereignty and freedom ".

Bouteflika's message coincides with the pledge made by Algerian army chief of staff Lieutenant-General Ahmed Kayed Saleh that the army will always be "the fortified fortress of the people and the nation in all circumstances and conditions," praising the "national and cultural sense" of the protesting Algerians.

Kaid Saleh, who also serves as defense minister, said that "every person with a sense and wisdom understands his national sensibility and his far-sighted vision. Every problem has a solution, but solutions, problems that are complicated will not remain without proper solutions."