To appease the grumbling in the ranks of the police, the government announced Tuesday that the 111,000 police and gendarmes mobilized during the crisis of "yellow vests" will receive a premium of 300 euros. But Benoît Barret, deputy national secretary of the Alliance Nationale Nationale trade union, interviewed by Matthieu Belliard Tuesday evening on Europe 1, "this bonus is not enough."

>> From 17h to 20h, it's the big evening newspaper with Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1. Find the replay here

"This time is too much" "This announcement by the minister did not appeal to the police at all.The problem is that the discomfort is so deep, it lasts for so long, that colleagues expect a lot," says the police, who reports of the general exhaustion of the troops. "There is, in all, 23 million overtime hours that colleagues can not afford, it's amazing, it's been a sea serpent for years, but this time It's too much, colleagues are exhausted, worn out, and when today we learn that colleagues who have not been able to take time off because they have been recalled will not be able to postpone them to next year, we can not accept it, "he says.

The police are "fed up": what do they claim?

"Spectators of their own agony". For Benoît Barret, who is the mouthpiece of his police colleagues, the cup is full, and it is certainly not a check of 300 euros that will calm their anger. "It's been years that nothing moves.In July last year, a Senate report has measured very well the discontent, the degraded work of the national police, but there was no gesture. the police can not remain spectators of their own agony, "he warns.

Since then, the trade union Alliance has called for a "day spent in police stations" on Wednesday. Benoît Barret announces: "The colleagues will leave only in case of urgency."