Beaupréau-en-Mauges has diagnosed the condition of its roads. Performed by a service provider, the operation allows the new municipality to have a factual and objective vision. What to dispel the debate with the mayors delegates.

Beaupréau-en-Mauges will undergo a year of work in 2019. The programming of road improvements, which usually take place in February or March, did not take place.

All works are postponed for one year. And for good reason, the new municipality ordered a diagnosis of the state of its roads to subsidiaries of La Poste.

A rating to identify priorities

Using a camera on one of the courier company's yellow vehicles, Geoptis, a wealth management specialist, collected the data before sending it to Logiroad. the engineering part.

This collaboration made it possible to establish a system of scoring the state of the roads of the ten delegated municipalities, and their 460 km of municipal roads. "This allows us to have a factual knowledge of their condition. Before, it was simply recognition , says Pierre Vignier, director of technical services of the town hall. Thanks to this diagnosis, the debate is disputed. Before, the mayors defended their commune. Now, less, they are in the logic of the new commune. "

"We were able to reframe things with companies"

The other advantage of the diagnosis " is that we can establish multi-year programming and adapt our budget, " adds Claude Chéné, deputy in charge of infrastructure at Beaupréau.

Beaupréau-en-Mauges plans, in particular, to invest to completely repair certain roads. Before, "we put a bandage on a wooden leg , image the director of services. Bilayers or monolayers were made on already damaged roads . "

Without treatment in depth, the road is not waterproof and the water enters. With the cold and the frost, it makes crack the coating. Pierre Vignier concedes: "We were able to reframe things with the companies that were doing the work, with the awareness that it would not improve the state. They knew they were selling junk! "

Construction sites mainly at Beaupréau-Délégué

The first major post-diagnostic project concerns the Cabin Road, between La Jubaudière and Andrezé. Many trucks pass through and accelerate the degradation of the roadway.

"A company, whose employees take this route every day, complained about its condition, " they reveal. "There have been cases of accidents, " continues Claude Chéné. It is more than 2 km that experienced a reinforcement of roadway.

The next development, them, should mainly concern Beaupréau. According to the rating of the services of La Poste, it is the municipality whose road is the most damaged.

The budget dedicated to the road will, as for him, probably be raised, "to at least maintain the state of our roads, even improve it" .