A 42-year-old man was sentenced to 11 years in jail today in Melbourne after he and two friends killed a guest who rented a room in one's home via a website and did not pay a rent of A $ 210 (US $ 150), local media reported.

The Australian Associated Press reported today that Jason Colton was sentenced to death and strangled to death. Ramis Gonuzi died in the front garden of Brighton East, Melbourne.

Jonuzzi, 36, rented the room on a property owned by Colton's friend for 10 days in October 2017 and extended his stay. He was assaulted by the three men, at the instigation of Colton, after he was unable to pay rent for the additional stay.

The two other assailants were admitted to manslaughter. One of them was sentenced to nine years in prison last year and the other to seven and a half years' imprisonment.

During the verdict today, Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth described the cowardly, unwarranted and unjustified attack against a bound and unarmed man.

Earlier, Colton was found to have spent three months in prison in Norway in 2013 after beating a man in the head and strangling him after a controversy over living arrangements, according to the Australian News Agency.