An Australian court has ordered the New South Wales state police to make an official apology for publishing a video showing two of its members wearing Arab kaffiyeh on the assumption that they are terrorists.

Local media reported Friday that a decision by the Australian Administrative and Civil Affairs Court said it was unnecessary and reasonable to use kufiyat during the exercises.

In October 2017, Australian police came under fire after publishing a video footage of a Palestinian kaffiyeh used to cover the face of a potential attacker during state training.

The aim of the training was to simulate countering possible terrorist attacks at Sydney's central train station.

The drill included two attackers wearing the well-known Palestinian Arab kaffiyeh, carrying two guns, holding hostages and shaking knives.

For its part, the Arab and Muslim community in Australia expressed resentment and feeling that it was abused and insulted by the exercise.

Following the incident, the NSW police confirmed that they did not deal with anyone on the basis of their nationality, nationality or language, but rather dealt with people solely on their own, and recognized that the choice of Palestinian dress was a big but unintended mistake.