Fiché S, convicted 27 times in France, Germany and Switzerland, reported for radicalization ...: Cherif Chekatt, the alleged perpetrator of the Strasbourg bombing, still on the run on Wednesday, has a heavy criminal record. However, the spokesman of the Ministry of Justice assured Wednesday on Europe 1 that the justice had not failed in the surveillance of this former prisoner. "I understand that people are being arrested, but it is a sign of the normal functioning of the justice system.This person has been sentenced several times to heavy prison terms, and it is out," said Youssef Badr at the microphone of Matthieu Belliard.

"No risk does not exist". "And justice will continue to condemn it, where there would be a malfunction if there was a follow-up or if there was something that had not been respected from a point of view. legal view, "he says. Youssef Badr stresses that if Cherif Chekatt has shown signs of radicalization, "detected in prison", "it does not mean at this stage that he has radicalized in prison," he added. And to hammer: "You can not stop someone from doing it, there is no such thing as zero risk, just trying to limit it as much as possible."

>> From 17h to 20h, it's the big evening newspaper with Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1. Find the replay here

A strict follow-up of the leavers. The spokesman of the Chancellery also insists on monitoring measures implemented for prisoners released from prison and sentenced for terrorist offenses or for those convicted of common law and showing signs of radicalization. "For the leavers, there is no dry exit.Everything is anticipated: there is a judicial supervision for those sentenced to more than seven years, with monitoring and obligations (...) For sentences of less than seven years there is also a post-sentence follow-up (...) For each individual, it is determined which service would be best able to provide an intelligence service, "he detailed.

According to Youssef Badr, some 20 to 30 prisoners sentenced for terrorism-related offenses are expected to leave prison in 2019 in France.