The US government should have asked him for the nomination - and Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe came to this request according to a newspaper report: He has nominated US President Donald Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize. This marks Trump's fourth most important race for the world's most important political award.

The US government selected Abe after Trump's meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in June last year, writes the newspaper Asahi, which appeals to Japanese government circles. Abe complied with the request in autumn.

Trump had said at a press conference on Saturday that he had received from Abe the "most beautiful copy" of a five-page nomination letter. Background are the talks and the reduction of tensions with North Korea. "Do you know why, because he (Kim) had missile ships and fired missiles at Japan," Trump said. "And now they suddenly feel safe, they're fine, that's what I did."

Japan's foreign ministry said Trump's statements were known to the ministry. More you do not want to comment. The US Presidential Office has not received any comments so far.

Trump does not think he will get the award

Trump had stated on Saturday that he deserved the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts for North Korea and Syria. At the same time he complained that unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, he would probably never receive the award. "You gave it to Obama, he did not even know what, he was just 15 seconds and got the Nobel Prize," Trump said. "I'll never get it." Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009 after only a few months in office.

According to the Nobel Committee website, anyone who fulfills the criteria, such as current heads of state and government, can propose a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize. Names and other information about unsuccessful nominations, however, remained under lock and key for 50 years.