A person of Asian nationality died and four others were injured, following a deterioration of their vehicle on an internal road close to the mountainous areas of Ras Al Khaimah.

A source at the Ras Al Khaimah police told Emirates Al Youm that the operating room received a report on Friday that a vehicle had been deviated and damaged, involving five people of Asian nationality.

"Immediately upon receipt of the communication, traffic patrols, national ambulance and rescue vehicles were immediately sent to the site. The five passengers were on a day trip to one of the mountains in Ras Al Khaimah, and when they left, their vehicle deviated from its course and deteriorated on the road.

He added that the accident resulted in the death of one person and injured four passengers with varying injuries, as the injured were taken to hospital for treatment and referral of the incident to the competent authorities.

He pointed out that all drivers must adhere to the specified speeds on the roads and attention and non-preoccupied with the road to avoid the deviation of vehicles off track and deterioration on the road.