Atef Douglas - Nablus

In a sermon addressing the most prominent suffering centers, especially the last one, hundreds of Palestinians gathered in the city of Nablus (the largest city in the northern West Bank) to support Palestinian prisoners in the occupation prisons.

Under the title "Gomaa Al Wafaa for Martyrs and Prisoners", the event was called by the Committee for the Coordination of the factions and institutions supporting prisoners in the city of Nablus, and delivered a speech by Sheikh Mohamed Zeid al-Kilani, Director of Awqaf in the city to highlight the issue of prisoners and the continued suffering and sacrifices.

Al-Kilani said that "the prisoners give their lives a price for this homeland, and their sacrifices are increasing day by day," adding that "unity" is the way to support them and stand by them in light of what they are exposed to.

This event came within the framework of activities and other movements launched several days ago in the city of Nablus and West Bank cities in solidarity with the prisoners who are fighting with the Israeli occupation authorities to refuse to install cameras and jamming devices inside prisons.

The prison authorities prevent Palestinian prisoners from contacting their families via "smuggled" cell phones, and enter the detainees' rooms constantly and search them for the seizure and confiscation of these devices.

This led to confrontations between the prisoners and the occupation soldiers, as happened in the prison of Raymond Sahrawi last week, where at least 40 prisoners were wounded when the special units "Matasada" private prison and assaulted the prisoners.

Dozens went out in Nablus and other cities in solidarity with the prisoners and refused to jamming them (Al Jazeera)

Frequent events
The families of the prisoners demonstrated in the centers of these cities and in front of the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and handed them protest notes to pressure the occupation to stop its arbitrary practices against the prisoners and contrary to all international norms and laws.

As usual, the mother of Palestinian prisoner Wa'el al-Jagoub, 41, did not miss any activity to support the prisoners but participated in it. She is holding a picture of her captive son, who came to Martyrs Square and shouted slogans calling for an end to the "crimes" of the occupation against the prisoners.

The tension appears to be on the face of Wael's mother, who is living a great deal of time these days after the prison inmates assault Raymond's detention camp. Her son is sentenced to life imprisonment. The incursion is the most recent of the prisoners in the prison sections as a result of their protest against the installation of the jamming devices. Rooms with their contents.

The suffering of parents
Among the crowds, Umm Wael cried out to stand by the prisoners who were all abandoned by Palestinians and Arabs, she said, and they are only facing the oppression of the jailer and his predecessor. "The people alone defend the prisoners after everyone has abandoned them," she said.

A year ago, Wa'el's mother, Wa'il, visited her captive son only a week ago. The occupation constantly punished her with "security refusal" and prevented her from visiting only once or twice a year. During her visit, she saw the jammers and felt how dangerous the prisoners were. And vibrations that harm them healthily. "

Alongside Wael's mother, Ahlam Ashtiyeh, the mother of Marcel Wissar Ashtiyeh, stood up and raised a picture of her two sons and shouted for victory.

"My sister Marcel told me during my last visit to him a few days ago that they were suffering from a headache most of the time," said Marcel. "He said.

A few weeks ago, the Israeli occupation authorities began setting up cameras for women prisoners' prisons and prison jails in Nafha, the Negev and Rimon, where they rejected this as a flagrant violation of their rights.

Friday sermon addressed the suffering of prisoners (Al Jazeera)

Health risk
He also warned the coordinator of the National Committee for the support of prisoners in Nablus Muzaffar Zoukan of jamming devices, and considered it a direct threat to the lives of prisoners.

Zoukan said in his speech to Al Jazeera Net that these devices represent a medical threat to the prisoners, and did not hide the health damage caused by them, especially the cancer, which affects about thirty Palestinian prisoners in the prisons of the occupation without treatment.

In the meantime, institutions are preparing to deal with the prisoners in the cities of the southern West Bank to organize solidarity activities next week with the prisoners, who, according to Al-Jazeera Net learned from their relatives, to wage a hunger strike to reject the occupation violations against them.