Teacher and author of comics, Christophe Tardieux returned Tuesday at the microphone of Europe 1 on the publication of a comic that tells the suicide of a colleague, occurred ten days ago in Val-d'Oise.


"Being a teacher in 2019 is also that": a school teacher published a few days ago on Facebook a mini-comic in response to the suicide of a teacher, on March 15, in Eaubonne, in the Val -d'Oise. "This is the kind of case that touches, which challenges, as a colleague but also as a human being," said Europe 1 Tuesday Christophe Tardieux, aka Remedium, the author of comics.

Jean Willot, 57, killed himself after being the subject of a complaint for "aggravated violence on minors" by a parent of a student. He was accused of reprimanding a CP student. And as he explained in a letter, he did not bear such accusations. Christophe Tardieux, who teaches in Tremblay-en-France, Seine-Saint-Denis, wanted to "put words on this story so that it does not fall into oblivion", by drawing the 18 boxes of this comic in free-access on his Facebook page.

"Bridling the word of teachers"

He recounts the difficult relationships teachers sometimes have with parents, and their loss of legitimacy. "The idea was to show the whole path that can lead a man to go to such an end (suicide), and the loss of bearings that can lead people, especially parents, to submit systematically in question the posture of a teacher and all that can represent the state, knowledge, culture ... ", noted the author at the microphone of Matthieu Belliard, stating that" if a large majority guard confidence in the school, there is sometimes an active minority who can pollute the general climate ".

>> From 17h to 20h, it's the big evening newspaper with Matthieu Belliard on Europe 1. Find the replay here

In these few boxes drawn, Remedium also denounces the attitude of the National Education faced with such situations, including muzzling teachers ... This review echoes the #PasDeVague movement launched by teachers last October.

"It's a habit, an almost systematic reflex in this kind of business: one of the first instructions is not to talk, so as not to ignore the case.This may be for good reasons, as not to spread rumors but it's mainly to curb the voices of witnesses, teachers and parents who can sometimes suffer, so we put a little under the carpet to continue functioning normally, as if nothing had happened ", denounces Christophe Tardieux. In the case of Jean Willot's suicide, the school had indeed asked teachers not to speak to the press.

80,000 shares on Facebook

Sign of obvious interest, the BD School Case, Jean's Story has been shared to date more than 80,000 times on Facebook. "It's indicative of a certain suffering, because everyone has been able to recognize themselves in this story (...) The returns are very diverse but, for some National Education staff, it reminded them of things. similar situations (...) that reflect the disintegration that can exist between parents and school, but also between the school and its hierarchy, "says Christophe Tardieux. A petition has also been launched on the Internet to challenge the Ministers of Justice and National Education on this case. Tuesday night she had collected nearly 5,000 signatures.