Algeria - Ayyash Sanousi

The director of the Algerian educational robot system Fuad Lamouchi confirmed that about 10,000 children benefited from the programs of the system despite the recent idea and educational activity in Algeria, highlighting the system's efforts to enable about eight million schoolchildren to use and programming different kinds of educational robots.

The educational robot is the latest educational activity in Algeria based on interactive learning that enriches the science of children and thus reduces the negative exploitation of the technology that their parents complain about. It contributes to achieving a set of objectives that the director of the educational robot system presents as "my son is a technology producer and not a negative consumer. to her".

In an interview with al-Jazeera Net, Lamushi said that the educational robot system, which has the slogan "The future is in your hands", is the result of a project contributed by a group of Algerian engineers and researchers residing mostly abroad in coordination with a group of scientific institutions and laboratories based in Switzerland and France.

The project aims to "enable all Algerians to use and program various kinds of educational robots in preparation for tomorrow's world (the robot world)." "The first target of the programs of the system is the children between 3 and 17 years old," Lemoushi said.

He pointed out that the system, despite its modernity, is currently spread across 20 provinces (out of 48 in Algeria) and benefiting from its programs more than ten thousand children, but stressed that "the goal remains to enable all children in the schools of Algeria of this program, Child".

Logo (Al Jazeera)

A large turnout and media ignorance
He believes that this kind of educational activity is very useful for children to contribute to the generation of a generation of intelligence, concentration, imagination and strong memory, as well as enhancing the child's ability to programming using special programs such as Scratch and teaching him the ethics of competition and creativity through participation In various national and international competitions.

Although the local media is not interested in this type of targeted educational activity, the director of the educational robot system is not concerned about it "because it" relates to a recent educational activity not only in Algeria but throughout the world. "

On the other hand, Lamushi emphasizes the great response received by educational activities by young people, stressing their passion to learn everything related to science and technology, as he put it.

"The educational robot and the preparation of students to learn programming since childhood is a modern scientific material in Europe, which began to take place in curricula and school curricula a few years ago." In Algeria, too, and with the second-generation reforms (during the last years of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's term) A special place in the middle education with the advent of teaching programming languages ​​for children such as Scratch school curriculum for the middle school.

"The passion of our children in Algeria and their desire to learn anything about technology and the world of tomorrow," Lamuchi said.

One of the workshops (Al Jazeera)

"In order to meet the wishes of our children who are passionate about technology and the world of tomorrow, we have achieved good results in all centers," he said.

Android tutorial two years
In the context, he said that 2018 is "the year of major achievements of the educational robot system by contributing to the formation of more than one hundred national trainers to cover the terrible deficit in this field, and the organization of more than twenty courses in a group of states."

"We have also been able to hold the first national children's educational robot competition for the three to five year old age group in which more than 170 children from a range of states participated and have been highly acclaimed by our European partners as the world's first tournament of this kind and size."

On the program of the next year's system, Lamuchi assured the continuation of the training of trainers through the organization of the educational robot convoy that will travel in a number of states, the organization of a series of regional and national tournaments, as well as the preparation of a national team to participate in international tournaments.

The main goal - according to Moshi - will be to work to prove existence and spread this educational activity across 48 states in the country.