By RFPosted on 05-04-2019Modified on 05-04-2019 at 19:59

Hundreds of thousands of Algerians have again demonstrated this Friday in the streets of the capital to demand "the end of the system" and a redesign of the political landscape. It was the seventh consecutive Friday of mobilization, three days after the resignation of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

A human tide has invaded the streets of Algiers. The message is clear: the resignation of Abdelaziz Bouteflika is not enough. Algerians demand a total change at the top of the state. The slogans spare no one and not even the military institution, led by Chief of Staff Ahmed Gaïd Salah.

" Gaid Salah is only recycling the system," said a protester. Bouteflika is gone. The Bouteflika clique is gone. But the system is not gone. You can not do something new with old people. The demonstrators admit it: yes, the army has built the last days as guarantor of the Constitution, but it is not his role to take power to run the country. Everyone here dreads an Egyptian scenario.

The leaders " must be judged " , claim the protesters

But the commitment continues, with one goal: the birth of a new Republic, rid of this regime that has led the country to the crisis. The mobilization is in any case impressive. And like the previous weeks, no excesses, no incivilities. They say it all here, it's a smiling revolution.

Week after week, the people also gain in confidence. His mobilization pays. He even dares new claims. " We wanted to drive out the perpetrators, but now they will have to be judged too, " the crowd in Algiers chants tonight. " The resignation of the president is not enough , says a protester. It was only one of the people's demands. " Before history, we must judge them , adds another. If only to really know what they did, because there are so many things we do not know. "

To read also: Algeria, the evening when President Bouteflika left power

    On the same subject

    Algeria: a test day for the authorities after the resignation of Bouteflika

    In the headlines: after Bouteflika

    Resignation of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and after?

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    Algeria: Constitutional Council ratifies Bouteflika's resignation
