By RFIPalled on 18-01-2019Modified on 18-01-2019 at 23:29

The presidency of the Republic of Algeria announced Friday that a decree "convened the electoral body for the presidential election to be held on April 18, 2019," ending the possibility of a postponement, evoked in recent weeks.

It has been several days since the media multiplied the articles, experts in support, on the deadline to announce the holding of the election. For weeks, two hypotheses circulated: that of the postponement of the election and that of an extension of the current term of office of the president, from five years to seven years.

If the El Khabar newspaper confirmed this week that these two hypotheses have been seriously studied by the authorities, it is ultimately the option of maintaining the presidential election that won.

Will Bouteflika be a candidate?

But the biggest question is not settled. There is no consensus on the succession of President Bouteflika, who has been in power since 1999. His current term expires on April 28. The option of a fifth term, mentioned by some, is not the favorite option of the president's relatives. And there are only a few weeks left to find a candidate and have him accepted.

► Algeria: the political situation in six questions

Opposition, on the other hand, is divided. The initiative that brought together the Islamist parties, former head of government Ali Benflis and members of civil society after the 2014 election imploded.

Candidates now have six weeks to apply.

    On the same subject

    Algeria: the option of a postponement of the presidential election has been raised

    Algeria: the distinguished tribune of the former head of government Mouloud Hamrouche

    Mohamed Baghali: "Algerians know that the presidential elections are not going to change their lives too much"

    Algeria: the impossible opening?
