By RFIPosted 05-04-2019Modified on 05-04-2019 at 14:16

President Bouteflika has resigned, but the Algerians are still there in the street to demand a real change at the head of their country. Friday is a new mass demonstration that is announced in the streets of Algiers and throughout the country, three days after the resignation of Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Slogans are always hostile to the regime.

Slogans are still hostile to the regime and even to the resigning president. Abdelaziz Bouteflika addressed the people a letter of apology this week and the answer from the street is clear: there will be no forgiveness.

The departure of the "3 B"

Very early this Friday morning, rallies began in Algiers. The contrast is striking between the seriousness of the claims and the festive atmosphere that reigns in the capital. The iconic Place de la Grande Poste is already crowded with people. Algerians now want the departure of those they have called the "3 B": Abdelkader Bensalah, Noureddine Bedoui and Tayeb Belaïz, respectively President of the Senate, Prime Minister and President of the Constitutional Council.

" New faces, new start "

Out of the question that these three leaders lead the transition in Algeria. " We want new faces, a new beginning, " insist the Algerians interviewed this morning. They are inhabitants of the capital, but there is also a large population that converges nearby cities. Their desire is that women and men, who embody this popular, peaceful movement, participate in the construction of a new Algeria, completely free of its old regime.

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