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The young Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of the new rising figures of the party. REUTERS / Jeenah Moon

At 29, this is the new darling of Democrats in the United States. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is likely to become, after the election of November 6, the youngest elected to the House of Representatives in the US Congress.

With our correspondent in New York , Marie Bourreau

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez presents a riding straddling the Queens and Bronx neighborhoods of New York. The young candidate is a former waitress out of nowhere that has shaken the political and democratic establishment. A victory that would have a taste of revenge on life.

Because his career is a success story like the Americans love. This former waitress, raised in the Bronx and former volunteer of presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, became in a few months one of the new stars of American politics.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is at the origin of what the American press described as a " big reversal ". Last June, she defeated a Democratic Party cacique with an effective grassroots campaign among minority youth.

Since then, she has received the support of former President Barack Obama and she leads her race to Congress by pulling the Democratic Party to the left by positioning for universal health coverage or free higher education.

The " giant democratic slayer " as the New York Times has designated it does not stop in so good way. She who describes herself as a socialist, opposed to the business community, hopes to become the young representative elected to Congress in mid-term elections next Tuesday and the new face of the American left.