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Drinking can relax and relieve anxiety, but drinking too much is not good. I asked Mr. Yukio Matsushita Deputy Director of the National Hospital Organization · Kurihama Medical Center known for treatment of alcoholism, how to face alcohol when suffering a disaster.

Alcohol has the effect of relieving anxiety, tension, and stress. However, it is dangerous to think about trying to eliminate the depressed mood and the scratches of your heart with alcohol in the event of a disaster. After a major disaster, the amount of liquor tends to increase, but let's keep it at about 1 sake of sake per day.

It is not good to be isolated when you are painful or toil up. It is good to confess some problems to someone.

However, I think there are things that is difficult. For this reason, it is also important for the surrounding people to watch, greet and invite them to gather.

Do not drink alcohol at evacuation centers. The mind gets bigger and the talking voice tends to become big, but it becomes annoying surroundings. The rule of "evacuation centers drinking" has gradually become established. However, at the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, there was a victim who was afraid of drunk people.

Attention is necessary even after moving to temporary housing. The temporary housing is close to the neighboring house, and in past disasters, there were cases in which the surrounding was troubled by the loud voice of drinkers.

If you drink alcohol before going to bed, your sleep will improve but your sleep will be shallow. As for the goodness of sleeping, it can become tolerant gradually, the effect becomes thin, which can cause the increase in the amount of alcohol. Because liquor has diuretic action, the toilet becomes close. Therefore, even insomnia, we can not recommend relying on alcohol.

Problems related to alcohol may come out one month to several months after the disaster. If you have something to worry about, please feel free to consult a health nurse or a doctor. (Yukiko Kitamura)