The forces of the National Reconciliation Government have announced their control of areas south of the Libyan capital and have tightened their grip on the forces of retired Major General Khalifa Haftar in the vicinity of Tripoli International Airport with the aim of recovering him.

According to sources, fierce clashes between the two sides in the axis of "Ben Ghashir" heavy artillery, and confirmed sites loyal to Hafter killed 15 of his forces in the battles in Tripoli on Saturday.

For his part, spokesman for the "volcano of anger" of the government of reconciliation Mustafa al-Mujahid the start of the second phase of the war against the forces of Haftar, and said it meant "move from the defense to the attack ... ... where the forces began to attack the attacks on the positions of Hafar forces In the vicinity of Tripoli airport and Qasr Ben Ghashir area.

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In a related context, Libyan sources told the island that Hafer ordered the Salafist Salafist battalion stationed in the city of Kufra, southeast of Libya, to go to the city of Gharyan to participate in the attack on Tripoli.

The sources added that this battalion is led by one of the symbols of the Salafist current income in the south-east of Libya, called Abdul Rahman al-Kilani and his reputation Abu Abdullah al-Libi.

Egyptian ammunition boxes with the forces of Haftar in the battle hubs south of Tripoli (Al Jazeera)

Egyptian ammunition
According to Libyan military sources to the island that the fighters of the government of Al-Wefaq found during the storming positions of the forces of Haftar in the outskirts of Ain Zara and Wadi al-Rubaie south of Tripoli, Egyptian boxes of ammunition, the name of an Egyptian engineering company to manufacture ammunition.

On the other hand, Ahmad al-Massmari, a spokesman for the forces of Hafar, said that fierce fighting is taking place today on axes in the vicinity of the capital Tripoli, especially the crusades in Aziziyah, pointing out that the forces of the government of "trying to penetrate the forces of Haftar all ways but could not."

The battalion "17 Zaqah" of the forces of Haftar killed one of its field commanders in the capital Tripoli during clashes with the forces of reconciliation. In a brief statement via Facebook, Amer Boucherda, the field commander of the Dadi spring district south of Tripoli, was killed in clashes on Saturday.

In the meantime, the World Health Organization has claimed 220 dead and 1066 wounded, in addition to the displacement of more than 18 thousand people, since the start of the attack on Tripoli.