Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) Chief Executive Officer Mansour Ibrahim Al Mahmoud said on Monday that the sovereign fund has accelerated its investment in the technology sector and is keeping the door open for strategic partnerships in technology investments.

"The fund focuses in the United States on" traditional "sectors such as real estate, financial services and technology, Al-Mahmoud said on the sidelines of an event in Doha, adding that the fund is continuing in this direction to review its strategy.

"We have already speeded up and pumped a number of investments in technology, and we will maintain momentum until we increase our share."

The governor's comments came after sources told Reuters that the sovereign fund, which is worth about 300 billion dollars, is considering more acquisitions in the technology sector.

Sources say the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) has held talks with direct investment funds focused on technology and is considering buying direct stakes in emerging technology companies.

In the same vein, Reuters reported, quoting financial sources that the technology focus of the Qatar Investment Authority is in the framework of the balance of his portfolio towards the United States and Asia after the construction of a large European portfolio includes shares in Credit Suisse and the London Stock Exchange and Volkswagen.

In December 2017, Qatar Investment Authority and hedge fund Eliot Management Corp. acquired US software company Gigamon for $ 1.6 billion.