What do we mean by arthritis? What types? What causes it? What are the risk factors? What are the most prominent treatments? How is prevention? Al Jazeera Clinic opens its doors to you on Wednesday to answer your questions. Have you prepared your question?

The seminar will be hosted by Dr. Azza Ali Mohammed Khanjar, Senior Consultant Rheumatology and Rheumatology at Hamad Medical Corporation in Qatar.

Dr Khanjar is a member of the American Fellowship for Rheumatology and a member of the British Society of Rheumatology.

The episode will be broadcasted on Wednesday at 6 pm Mecca time (3 GMT) through the "Live Broadcast" service on the Facebook page of "Medicine and Health", Al Jazeera Net and "Medicine and Health" on Twitter.

Our viewers can send their questions and inquiries by commenting on the episode's live broadcast on the Facebook page of "Medicine and Health" or by commenting on the episode's announcement.

If you do not see the episode directly, you can see it on Al Jazeera Net the next day, where it will be published with a summary of the highlights of the information and tips it contains.