For 89% of French people, renovations are too expensive, according to a study by ADEME (French Agency for the Environment and Energy Management). Yet aids exist to reduce the bill. The experts from France moves on Europe 1, have addressed the issue on Tuesday.

Get tips on Energy Info Spaces

Initiated by ADEME in the early 2000s, the Energy Info Spaces are designed to provide information on energy efficiency and renewable energies available to individuals. Free and co-financed by local authorities and regional councils, they give advice for carrying out work. There are 250 in France.

>> From 13h to 14h, France moves with Raphaëlle Duchemin on Europe 1. Find the replay of the show here

Target and calculate available aid

Effy, a company specializing in energy efficiency, offers a simulator on its site to identify the aid that could be paid to those who are considering work. Other simulators of the same kind exist, such as,,, in order to have a precise idea of ​​existing subsidies.

Achieve work at one euro with the Energy Solidarity Pact

Since 2012, the Energy Solidarity Pact has allowed the most modest households to benefit from the isolation of their homes for the sum of one euro. "We have opened all these solutions to tenants, but also to homeowners," said Frédéric Utzmann, co-founder of Effy, behind this device, which has already allowed to isolate 60,000 homes in six years.

Renovate dilapidated housing with Housing Action grants

The joint Action Housing organization has just launched a 9 billion euro plan for the most modest employees. Of the measures included in this plan, up to € 20,000 of aid can be paid for the energy renovation of dilapidated housing.

Benefit from reductions thanks to Energy Savings Certificates

The Energy Savings Certificate (ECE) scheme obliges various energy suppliers to encourage energy renovation works. In exchange for this work, individuals obtain EWCs which result in concrete aids, such as bonuses or vouchers, from gas, electricity and fuel suppliers. The device is controlled by the National Housing Agency (Anah), which also proposes to apply for help online. "It can be seen that operations can be 80% supported in certain cases," observes Sylvain Bonnot, president of Myral, a company specializing in outdoor insulation.