Kiev is discussing with Western partners, including with Washington, the possibility of imposing financial restrictions on Russian ports because of the alleged blockade of the Azov Sea. This was reported by the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Volodymyr Omelyan.

In this regard, the official noted the growth of the "sanctions wave" against the Russian Federation. He stressed that the consideration of the possibility of expanding restrictive measures in the US Congress is "more than adequate response to all the excesses of Russia." In his opinion, Moscow should be held responsible for the erection of the Crimean bridge.

"We are negotiating with our European and American partners to apply the appropriate sanctions to the Black Sea ports of Russia because of the blockade of the Sea of ​​Azov and Ukrainian ports in the Azov Sea," Omelyan said on 112 Ukraine TV channel.

Let us note that the Ukrainian minister mentioned earlier such a discussion with his Western counterparts. According to him, there are several initiatives from Kiev, but it is necessary to understand if they will get support.

According to the president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, Kiev's desires do not come into contact with reality.

"If Ukraine itself introduces these sanctions, they will not be noticed. In order for them to have some effect, they need the support of the West. Kiev and is negotiating with the West. But negotiating and imposing sanctions are different things. Nobody can forbid Ukrainian diplomats to meet with their Western partners and say: "But it would not be bad to impose sanctions," the expert said in a conversation with RT.

"There is no reason for imposing sanctions"

The statements about the possibility of imposing such sanctions are absolutely unreasonable. This opinion was expressed by a member of the Federation Council Committee on International Affairs from the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Tsekov. He also pointed out the illegality of Kiev's actions in relation to the crew of the Crimean vessel Nord.

"There is absolutely no reason to impose sanctions, since there is no blockade by Russia ... The aggravation of the situation in the Sea of ​​Azov is primarily due to the activities of Ukraine. Suffice it to recall what happened with the ship "Nord", which they detained and whose crew is still not allowed to leave the state, do not give an opportunity to return to the Crimea, "he said in a conversation with RT.

In his opinion, the initiatives proposed by Kiev can be supported only by countries with a pronounced Russophobic policy, but most of the EU states will not support this measure.

Analyst Rostislav Ishchenko holds a similar position. In his opinion, at the present time the EU, on the contrary, is considering the complete abolition of anti-Russian sanctions.

"Obviously, if the situation suddenly changes dramatically, by the beginning of the next political year, when considering the extension, it may already be different - if not the whole package is canceled, then partially renewed, and then abandoned. Against Trump's attempts to establish relations with Putin, the imposition of sanctions is counterproductive, "the expert explained.

  • Crimean bridge across the Kerch strait
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Russia can reconsider the Montreux convention on the status of the straits, if sanctions are imposed on the Black Sea ports. This was stated by the head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov. According to the document, merchant ships of all countries of the world can freely move through the straits both in peacetime and in wartime.

"Given that our relations with Turkey are on the rise, I think that the West itself is not very happy, if such sanctions we will introduce. Because many Western transport companies use these ports to a greater extent than we use our Black Sea ports for transportation, given the export potential that Europe has, "the deputy said in a conversation with RT.

He also expressed doubt that the West will accept Kiev's initiatives, since they are unreasonable.

The situation with the "Nord"

Crimean ship "Nord" with ten crew members - Russian citizens was detained by Ukrainian border guards in the Azov Sea on March 25. With regard to the captain of the ship, a criminal case was opened, he faces up to five years in prison. At the same time, in April, two crew members managed to return to the Crimea, while their seven colleagues are held in Ukraine, since Kiev considers them Ukrainian citizens.

On Friday, July 20, Tatyana Moskalkova, the human rights ombudsman in Russia, asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to help liberate the Russians. She expressed hope that the head of state will discuss this situation with the leader of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.

According to the president of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, the situation with the illegal detention of "Nord" led to Kiev's desire to make the international problems of the Sea of ​​Azov. However, he noted that the West is not interested in inflating the next conflict situation.

"There is no basis for any international intervention. Except for the fact of the seizure of the "Nord", which Ukraine captured in piracy in international waters, everything goes in strict accordance with international law - this is the first. Secondly, the West, which previously could interfere groundlessly, and impose sanctions, is now trying to establish relations with Russia, "he said.

According to Leonid Kalashnikov, tensions in the Sea of ​​Azov were always present, but with the "Nord" incident, Ukraine opened a Pandora's box.

"In this regard, a number of incidents have arisen, which undermine this security. Remember, they towed to their fishing boat, still keep him under arrest, so let them address themselves to increasing this tension, "- said the representative of the State Duma.

The situation in the inland waters of the Russian Federation and Ukraine

According to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, from April 29 to July 16, the Russian side apprehended 148 ships that searched the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol through the Kerch Strait to inspect them without explanation.

Meanwhile, on the eve of the deputy head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Elena Zerkal pointed to the provisions of international maritime law, according to which warships have the right to inspect civil vessels. She also noted that the department has not received a single complaint from ship owners or ship captains in connection with the actions of the Russian side.

Recall that the border control of the FSB across the Crimea and Sevastopol strengthened patrolling in the Kerch Strait water area in order to prevent attempts of illegal penetration, suppression of smuggling, poaching, and to ensure the safety of navigation and the Crimean bridge.

"We find full understanding of the importance of the implementation of these measures among foreign seafarers and, in turn, warn them of possible provocations in the Sea of ​​Azov by Ukrainian security forces," the ministry explained.

Let us add that on December 24, 2003, the Russian Federation and Ukraine signed an agreement on the legal status of the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait. According to the document, these territories are the internal waters of the two countries, and all emerging issues and disputes are resolved peacefully.

Meanwhile, in early July, Verkhovna Rada deputies from the "Self-help" faction registered a bill that provides for termination of the agreement.

"They, of course, can try unilaterally to terminate the contract. If they are terminated, then they will have problems. We will not terminate anything, but we will be guided by this agreement as it was concluded in 2003, "Senator Tsekov explained.

Another initiative on this issue came from the former commander of the Ukrainian Navy Vice Admiral Sergei Gaiduk. He proposed to mine the Sea of ​​Azov. Such a measure, he believes, will in the future avoid losses from the activities of Russian warships.