Just last summer, he joined the team of US President Donald Trump - now White House communications director and Vice President, Bill Shine, has resigned. Shine will continue to work as a senior adviser to Trump's campaign team, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.

According to her, the 55-year-old had submitted his resignation the previous day. Trump accepted Shine's decision. Former co-director of television Fox News said his work for the president in the White House had been "the most rewarding experience of his life." Trump said in a statement, "Bill Shine did a great job." He will miss him in the White House very much.

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Prominent departures of the Trump government: And you're out

Shine, like several other high-ranking employees, came to the White House from pro-government broadcaster Fox News. The station's proximity to the closest circle of government employees had recently made headlines. The Democrats have since closed Fox News from the broadcasters who are allowed to broadcast their candidate debates in the pre-election campaign.

Shine joins a long line of communications directors - Trump likes to trade staff. He was already the fifth person in this post in Trump's little more than two-year tenure. Trump now has to start looking for a communications chief again. The position was held twice by Sean Spicer, with Mike Dubke working in between. Spicer resigned as spokesman when Anthony Scaramucci unofficially received the post of Trump. Scaramucci remained in office for only ten days before Trump relinquished him before his official appointment.

After him, Hope Hicks took over for about eight months, before she went to turbulence a year ago to Trump employee Rob Porter - with whom she had a relationship. Shine stayed in the White House for less than a year.