In fact, Nancy Pelosi, the US House of Representatives spokeswoman, called for prudence in dealing with Donald Trump: she fears that impeachment proceedings against the president, called impeachment, might fail too soon and the Democrats in the November election could harm next year. Along with a majority of their party, Pelosi currently believes it would be a better idea to use the new parliamentary majority, newly won by the Midterm elections, to prove Trump with congressional investigations to get a clearer picture of possible Republican transgressions ,

But in the party displeasure is provoked by this strategy, especially as it is blocked by Trump in increasingly impudent ways. Many Democrats feel provoked by the US president. In the room are the investigation results of the special investigator Robert Mueller, who did not rule out that Trump could have obstructed the judiciary in the investigation of alleged Russian manipulations of the 2016 presidential election. Justice Secretary William Barr was summoned to a hearing on Wednesday's Mueller report to the US Senate - Mueller had complained about Barr's summary of his report that context and content had not been fully captured.

In addition, Trump and his family are currently defending themselves legally against the Congress's desire to see their tax and financial records. At the beginning of the week he sued for a request for information, which also concerns his business with Deutsche Bank. The Democrats, however, see in Trump's finances a possible key to crack down on the former real estate mogul in the White House. The concern of two committees of the House of Representatives is unjustified and pursues only political intentions, as stated in the Trump application, which was filed on 29 April at a district court in New York.

Joshua Roberts / Reuters

Donald Trump and the drop that could overflow the keg

Trump, his sons Donald jr. and Eric and daughter Ivanka argue that it requires documentation on a number of subsidiaries and parent companies unrelated to the suspicion of foreign influence in US elections. However, the issuance of tax and tax records by senior officials has a long tradition in the United States. Most candidates already publish their tax documents during the election campaign. Trump persistently refused. He argued that he could not publish his tax records because they were the subject of a tax audit. However, according to experts, this argument is considered unfounded.

More comprehensive than anything that has happened since Watergate?

It is precisely in this refusal by Trump to submit to the supervision of Parliament that some US Democrats see a gross official breach. And maybe the drop that overflows the barrel: "There are all these streams and streams of offenses and violations that seem to flow into a larger river - Impeachment," said Democratic MP Jamie Raskin, a former constitutional lawyer from Maryland , who is also a member of the Judiciary Committee, the "New York Times". There is nothing to explain why the executive is defying almost every legitimate US Congress requirement, according to Raskin, who is open to impeachment: "The defiance of President Trump against Congress is far more comprehensive than anything What Congress has experienced since the Watergate era, "said Raskin. The Watergate affair in 1974 led to the only successful impeachment of a current US President, Richard Nixon.

Gerald E. Connolly from Virginia, too, loses patience with Trump: "Some of my colleagues do not take it all seriously enough," the New York Times quoted him as saying there was enough evidence to ignore the Congress, and that press Democrats like him in the direction of impeachment. The pressure is also mounting on the so-called Black Caucus, the African American association within the congress: Al-Texas al-Al Green has already called for an internal parliamentary vote on the impeachment issue, according to The Times.

In the immediate vicinity of Nancy Pelosis, however, one is convinced that the provocation is part of a strategy of the Trump team to mislead the Democrats into a mistake. Pelosi urges caution. She wants to penetrate even deeper into the results of the Mueller report. The Congress demands that the Ministry of Justice publish the complete report without the blackening and restrictions of the publication on 18 April.

By the way, she tries to make reasonable policy with Trump: "While we have our difficulties in other areas, we can not, can not ignore the needs of the American people," said the House spokeswoman after a meeting with Trump which she agreed with the President on the adoption of a long-blocked infrastructure law.

But pressure from within its own ranks is growing: "If we let them get away with all this, what do we have left?" Asked Elijah E. Cummings, chairman of the New York Times Supervision and Reform Committee. "If a president is allowed to withhold any information or prevent any person from testifying before the congress, what path are we in?" That is the question, I believe we must do everything in our power to get to him, "says Cummings.