Heba Aslan - Jerusalem

On Sunday, the Israeli Occupation Prosecution issued an administrative decision signed by the Minister of Defense - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu - demanding the administrative detention of Rami Al Fakhouri, a Jerusalemite, for six months.

The administrative decision came after the decision of the judge of the Magistrates Court of the occupation to release him, because the charges against him were not proved.

Al-Fakhouri was arrested mid-month from the Wadi al-Joz neighborhood in central Jerusalem during a campaign of arrests of about 20 young Jerusalemites who participated in his wedding about a month ago of the daughter of the martyr Mesbah Abu Sbeih, whose body is still being held in Israeli refrigerators.

Speaking to al-Jazeera Net, Hamza Qatina pointed out that an indictment was filed against al-Fakhouri accusing him of organizing a wedding ceremony, which included raising the flags of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and its military wing, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

However, the lawyer added that the Israeli Public Prosecution "waited in a deceptive and deceitful manner to issue the decision to receive a subsequent administrative detention decision."

He described the decision as arbitrary, which is not based on any legal evidence, pointing out that the occupation uses decisions of administrative detention that do not need a court, and only the minister's signature as an instrument of revenge, and that all the actions are sham and manipulated the judges.

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Al-Fakhouri spent four years in detention at various times on the basis of his activity in the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and considered the administrative detention a precedent in terms of the way it was done by manipulating the feelings of the prisoner and his family.

And whether there was a possibility of resuming the decision, counsel indicated that such decisions were subject to censorship and brought before the judge of the Central Court.

Qatina notes that most of the administrative decisions fall within the classified files that are circulated between the judges and the Israeli General Intelligence without the presence of the lawyer of the Palestinian prisoner.

This week, the Israeli occupation authorities released all the young men who were arrested on the condition of domestic imprisonment and the payment of financial guarantees, in addition to preventing them from communicating with each other and with any person whose name appears in the case file.