He allegedly kidnapped, confined and seriously abused his ex-girlfriend's companion: actor Saïd Bogota, seen notably in the films Pattaya and Taxi 5 , was indicted for attempted murder, AFP told AFP on Thursday. judicial source. The 28-year-old actor reportedly abducted the 17-year-old from his workplace last Friday. Driven by car to Saint-Chéron, in Essonne, the latter would have been sequestered in a cellar for several hours, said this source, confirming information Closer .

Beaten and sprinkled with gasoline. "He was beaten, he was shot at in flashball, he was hit with adjustable keys," said the source. The young man was also "sprinkled with gasoline, and his clothes were set on fire", which he managed to withdraw, according to this judicial source. A neighbor approached the cellar, alerted by the screams of the young man, his attacker then took him outside, and the violence continued until the victim manages to flee. The young man then manages to join a neighboring pavilion, knocks on the door. "The residents find it in a pitiful state, badly wounded, and alert the rescue and gendarmes," said the judicial source.

The jealousy of the actor? On site, a doctor decides to put him to sleep to ease his suffering. The victim has previously recounted his assault, implicating Saïd Bogota. The explanations of the latter, "jealous" of the new companion of his ex-girlfriend, are confused for the moment. "He said he just wanted to talk to him," said the judicial source. The actor was indicted Wednesday for attempted murder, kidnapping and forcible confinement, and placed in custody on Thursday, said the prosecutor's office of Evry.