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The "yellow vests" at the act 16 of their mobilization, March 2, 2019. REUTERS / Christian Hartmann

After several weeks of mobilization down, the "yellow vests" want to mark the pace this Saturday, March 16, which marks the four months of their movement. Their motto: all of France in Paris.

For several weeks, the date of March 16 is announced as a turning point by the "yellow vests". Social networks galvanize the troops with videos, like this one, viewed more than 900,000 times on Facebook. On a tape borrowed from France Gall, she summarizes the four months of this mobilization started on November 17.

The images, seized during the demonstrations or extracts of television broadcasts, are strong. In particular, we can see the prefecture of Haute-Loire burned down, the construction machine smashing the entrance of the ministry of Benjamin Griveaux, the former boxer Christophe Dettinger hit gendarmes, but also protesters express their anger. "Resist, prove that you exist," repeats the music.

All indications are that the Paris demonstration should be one of the most important since the beginning of the mobilization. On Facebook, the figures of the movement seem all on the same wavelength and call, like Eric Drouet, the whole of France to visit the capital. The police fear the presence of radical elements this Saturday.

Convergence of struggles

No demonstrations were declared in Paris, but several meeting places were given in train stations or Place de l'Etoile. This new day of mobilization will be held at the same time as two other events: the "Solidarity march", against the asylum-immigration law and police violence, and the "Walk of the Century", in favor of the climate.

The organizing associations have planned their courses so that the parades are all in the same place, early afternoon Opera Place. " Everything is connected, but we are made to believe the opposite and that is why for years, the different profiles are far apart and do not work together. Whereas if they had been able to work together, they could have proposed concrete things sooner and even be heard, "says Priscillia Ludosky, one of the spokespersons of the" yellow vests ".

Act 18 of the "yellow vests": towards the convergence of the struggles Priscillia Ludosky, one of the spokespersons of the "yellow vests" 16/03/2019 - by Agnès Rougier