The Director of the Department of Health in Abu Dhabi, Dr. Omniyat Al-Hajri, said that the Department issued a circular at the end of last November, which requires hospitals and health facilities in the Emirate to provide healthy food and drink to patients and visitors, confirming that this action is part of its plan to provide healthy food alternatives to the public.

Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA), said: "The circular was distributed last month. To be part of this initiative as a pilot phase and has been implemented in some places, "she said." This step is aimed at achieving positive results that serve the clients and make them happy, so that the health facilities are a model in providing meals that provide more healthy choices. "

HH Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) inaugurated the 9th edition of SIAL Middle East and Abu Dhabi International Dates Exhibition in partnership with the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority At the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, in the presence of Minister of Climate Change and Environment, Dr. Thani Bin Ahmed Al Zuwaidi, and the Minister of State for Future Food Security, Maryam Bint Mohammed Al Muhairi and a number of officials.

He also inaugurated a new electronic application for self-monitoring, developed by the Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority, to automate food control operations, shift control from the concept of inspection to the concept of verification, and toured the pavilions of participating countries and exhibitors. And their specialized services in the food industry.

"The UAE has been guided by the guidance and support of the leadership to build a unique development model based on matching the requirements of modernity and conservation of resources to achieve sustainable development based on solid principles that contribute to raising production rates while preserving natural resources and not depleting them, "His Highness said that" this model was taken from the vision of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul, as a starting point for him and a basis for his prosperity and development. "

Prince Saud stressed the importance of the national strategy for food security, which was recently launched by the government, which aims to increase joint cooperation at the international and regional levels and to reformulate many strategies to cope with the challenges faced by the global food industry. And their impact on the decline of arable areas and low rates of precipitation in the dry areas, and the expansion of the desert areas, coupled with the rapid population growth in the world and the growing demand for food, Which requires innovative solutions that are more effective in dealing with these challenges.

For her part, the Minister of State for Future Food Security, Maryam Al Muhairi said, "The issue of food security is one of the main issues that the State attaches great importance. The State works in this framework according to a clear strategy based on the advancement of local agricultural production, In recognition of the importance of strengthening the food security umbrella, ensuring food supplies at all times and in different circumstances, and ensuring the sustainability of this vital sector. "

Dr. Omniyat Al Hajeri, Director of Public Health at Abu Dhabi Health Department, said: "The Department issued a circular at the end of last November obliging hospitals and health facilities in Abu Dhabi to provide healthy food and beverages to patients and visitors.