The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Saturday welcomed the decision of the Court of First Instance in Tunisia to prevent the entry of an Israeli delegation to its lands to participate in a conference on religions.

Sami Abu Zuhri, leader of the movement, said in a press release published on the official website of the movement: "Hamas's appreciation of the original Tunisian people and all the Tunisian organizations that worked for this decision."

The Appeals Chamber of the Court of First Instance in Tunis on Friday prevented the entry or accommodation of the Israeli delegation to participate in the World Forum for Interfaith Dialogue.

The case was raised against the Tunisian Scout organization - the National Commission for Supporting Arab Resistance, Anti-Normalization and Zionism, the Republican Party and the People's Movement.

These bodies demanded that the organization be prevented from receiving, hosting or participating representatives of the International Forum of Jewish Scouts and all those who hold Israeli citizenship at the World Forum for Interreligious Dialogue to be held between 4 and 8 November, with permission to implement the draft.

In a similar ruling, the Tunisian court of first instance issued an emergency ruling last April banning the president of the Tunisian Taekwondo University and the chairman of the Taekwondo World Organizing Committee from inviting or hosting Taekwondo players of Israeli nationality to participate in a world championship at the time.