The Yemeni State Support Group in Taiz organized a political seminar yesterday under the title «Readings on the negative role of the country in the Yemeni crisis», where the symposium, which was attended by a number of politicians, media and academics, the role of the country of sabotage in Yemen, During the support of the Iranian Huthi militias in cooperation with Tehran.

The political symposium discussed three papers focused on the political and media roles played by Qatar in passing the Iranian project in Yemen, where Yemeni researchers and academics reviewed the negative role of Doha in the Yemeni crisis, especially after its public rapprochement with Iran, the main supporter of the terrorist Houthi militias.

During the seminar, the researchers stressed that Qatar did not profit from its rapprochement with Iran, but lost its Arab surroundings, while the most prominent winner was Iran itself, which seeks to destabilize the security and stability of the Arab region by exporting its sectarian culture.

Political analyst Nabil al-Hobani said that the two-state policy is not based on common constants, but rather on expansionist tendencies, the adoption and support of political Islam groups, the hostility of neighboring countries and their demonization, blatant interference in their affairs and the export of unrest and monotonous projects.

He added in his paper that Qatar, in its small geographical size, is plagued by dreams of leadership and illusions of leadership, playing roles much larger than it and trying to use its money to manufacture its leadership cartoon.

The researcher believes that Qatar's embrace of Iran is a tactical attempt to compensate for the cases of Arab rupture. It stresses the fragility of this country, which appears to be exposed to goals and orientations and ends.

In turn, political scientist Arwa al-Shumairi talked about the role of the country in supporting the Houthi militias, the Iranian coup, noting that the volume of Qatari support for the Houthis almost exceeds the Iranian support.

Al-Shumairi pointed out that a dangerous document, which was finally re-circulated, revealed the truth of the Qatari connection and support of the Houthis through a speech by the spiritual leader of the Huthi militias, Badruddin al-Houthi, the father of the founder of these militias, Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi, and its current leader, Former Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, in which he praised his generous support, which enabled him to claim victory over the Yemeni army.

Al-Shumairi said Qatar was the only country to have rescued the Huthi militias after Yemeni government forces were about to crush them in 2006. Hamad bin Khalifa, on the pretext of Iran, volunteered as the first mediator to settle the conflict after the death of its founder Hussein Badruddin al-Houthi.

Al-Shumairi said that the Gulf crisis revealed the true face of Qatar and expressed its position on the Houthi coup d'état, which used all their media, financial and logistical resources to support them. They also covered their news and the speeches of the leader of their group through its various media. The Arab alliance and incitement against him and demanding his departure from Yemen, as these media opened forums to the leaders of the Houthis to speak through and under the pretext of respect for freedom of expression.

In turn, Media Professor at the University of Hodeidah, Dr. Mansour Al-Qudsi, stressed the negative role of the Qatari media in the Yemeni crisis, pointing out that the Qatari media is not professional in its media treatment of the war in Yemen.

Al-Qodsi said that the Qatari media has turned to a military media to settle the Yemeni issue itself in favor of Iran's destructive agenda, in implementation of the creative chaos plan aimed at tearing apart Yemen and the Gulf.

The Qatari media has turned to a war media to denigrate the Yemeni cause itself in favor of Iran's destructive agenda, in implementation of the creative chaos scheme aimed at tearing apart Yemen and the Gulf.

The Qatari media is unprofessional, turning into a war media to delimit the Yemeni cause in favor of Iran's destructive agenda.